
March 24, 2013

Project 52: Week 12

This past week we welcomed Spring! Its finally here (check out my gardens flowers) and outside the world is in full bloom! We went to Party city this week to see what fun Easter things they would have since I got an ad in the mail, but when I got to the store most of the wall was bare! Not bare like run out but bare because they had no products (major disappointment) . But we made the most of it and played with the Halloween costumes they still had. We also received this Beautiful print that we so need to find a frame for.  And munchkin has been doodling! Dont you love his art?

How was your past week? Are you doing a Project 52?

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1 comment:

  1. Ah man - sorry about the store :( Disappointing when that happens.

    Love the doodles :)


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