
May 02, 2014

Potty training Tips and Experiences shared at The Pull Ups Luncheon #SayAdiosToDiapers #Ad

Disclosure: This is a compensated campaign in collaboration with Pull-Ups® Training Pants and Latina Bloggers Connect. However all thoughts and opinions are still all my own.
Last weekend I hit the jackpot! yep but of something worth far more than any amount of money. I found a group of women who made me feel so comfortable and whose knowledge and experience in Mothering is what I've been needing and missing in my life. I knew a couple of these amazing women online but others not at all and yet during this past weekends Latina Blogger luncheon I felt like I walked away with connections to moms who could help me in this never ending journey that is Parenting. 

And do you know how priceless that is? Someone to share with and to be able to turn to for advice when your child hits different life stages is invaluable. Trust me!

The topic for this past weekends Luncheon was to say GoodBye to Diapers!  #SayAdiosToDiapers
We all shared our own experiences with our kids who had gone through the potty training process while others were still tackling it and some were far from it and were sharing there worries and questions. This was a fun discussion, that just like it should be showed that every moms experience just like every childs experience is there own when it comes to such a big event.   
It was reassuring to know that what might work for many kids might not work for yours but that doesn't mean anything is wrong. Every child has his day and way that it will happen. While some will jump in head first and love being potty trained others might not and even tell there mommy that they will wear diapers for life and not care what others think. Yep that was my kiddo and check him out today and he is potty trained and doing awesome. Life happens and things will change. 

At this Luncheon we were treated to a wealth of Tips from the amazing Jeannette Kaplun who was the sweetest person ever and so down to earth. 
She looked at me and it was an instant heart to heart connection. I shared with her how for a long time in my parenting journey I went at it alone without any moms to give me advice and how tough that was on me. How now I had more people to turn to and she said that if I needed mom advice I could go to her and she would be there for me.  How sweet is that? 
She shared her own experiences and related to ours. She agreed that every child will get potty trained at there own time and pace. To not let others make you feel bad with there own childs triumphs. Your child will get there when they are ready. 

When you and your child are ready, make sure everyone knows it who will have contact with your child so that this routine is not interrupted and goes without any hiccups.

Be positive with the whole process as well as with your child. reward him and make him feel special. Make this transition a Happy one filled with only good thoughts and no connection to guilt. So dont over stress the oopsies so that they can feel proud of themselves for there accomplishments. 

 I hope that these will help you and get you started in this potty training journey.
For more tips on potty Training from these lovely Latinas plus real mom life talk and more check out the hashtag #SayAdiosToDiapers and be sure to check out Pull-Ups for more info! 

Do you have any potty training tips or questions? Please share and lets help each other out in this journey.  
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  1. Alvina great post!!! You look great!!!!

  2. I'm so glad you had a great time Alvina and that you have a larger mom network now too. You are one of the most caring moms I know. ((Hug))

  3. very informative post. you look amazing!!

  4. Love that there's a collective of Latina writers/bloggers. It's great to have a support system. I just blogged a few potty training tips too and my biggest one was to have a kit for public restrooms. They're so disgusting.

  5. I love reading potty training tips. The little guy I nanny for will probably start potty training soon so I'm trying to get a head start on learning. Thanks for the tips!

  6. My only potty tips are to keep a schedule and stick w it, even if your kid looks at you w that deer in a headlights stare! Every kid is different and they all catch on sooner or later but not as fast as one another.

  7. How awesome that you were able to attend that luncheon! (Love seeing blogger pal Melanie of Mommy Mentionables there too!) What a great way to connect with other Moms and continue to provide support to all of us in the midst of potty training. It's a jungle out there and I can't wait until we can say Adios to diapers forever!

  8. Alvina, I'm so glad we've met through blogging! There are some wonderful, supportive tips you've shared here for that time in a toddler's life. I know many moms and dads will benefit from this advice. Glad you're sharing it.

  9. Awesome I'm trying to potty train my three year old right now and he wants nothing to do with it. Ugh!

  10. Waiting until my son was ready was clutch! He was done in 2 days!

  11. My daughter is only one so it's still a bit early for her but OMG I'm totally planning on it -so over the diapers. And I 100% agree that it takes a village to raise kids - its so hard being enw somewhere and finding other moms to talk to


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