
May 31, 2013

10 yrs ago today I graduated Highschool

Ten years ago today I graduated High school.... yep time sure does fly. I didn't even feel it go by. It seems too fast, too soon and like I'm not ready to accept that its been 10 years. I have been sorta really kinda definitely dreading this day. I knew it was coming... I was constantly being bombarded with news about the 10 year reunion. The planning..."do you want to decorate? plan? raise funds..etc? " The ticket sales "Are you buying now or at the door?" And finally the invites! 

A lot has changed in ten years... my dreams, wishes, view of life and goals. I'm not the same person from the past and while many will say that not being the me of ten years ago is bad, I proudly object. I wouldn't change who I am today for the person I was. I don't want to live in the past, its not good to dwell. I honestly can say I wouldn't change a thing from my past. Why? I think everything happens for a reason. The good, the bad and through it all you live and learn from your mistakes. If I hadn't gone through all the tumbles that led me down this road, I would never have gotten this miracle in life. I would never have been blessed with my son, this child who is now my world. That's why I wouldn't have my life any other way. 

Strolling down memory lane I went through my old high school pictures. I was so proud when I graduated. I was the first one from my family to ever graduate! My dad dropped out in 9th grade to work and help support his family and my mom never even did one single year in school because she grew up working in Mexico, helping her father to support there family. I was very fortunate that even though we went through hard times I was able to go and have an education. 

Here's some pictures of my High school memories:
My graduation invitations

A few of the fun programs and places I went to with school plus awards
I was in ROTC for 4 years! Part of John Jays AFJROTC Tx 782nd, my spirit senior bags and my High school prom invitation
My 18th Birthday I actually celebrated at work! My first job was at Seaworld San Antonio. I was a photographer there for 4 seasons! For my 18th birthday my mom had talked to my manager and they talked to Seaworld to get permission to bring in mariachis and cake and pizza through the employee area to surprise me at work. I had no idea any of this was going to happen. It was late and I was working behind the counter when all of a sudden these mariachis pop out and sing to me! I wanted to cry! My moms boyfriend is the one singing. It was so special and more so because of all the planning and work my mom put into it. I have so many beautiful high school memories at Seaworld such as this one back when they use to have the Shamu you could get on and take pictures with (Im the one on the front and my friend krystle is behind me), my family all getting kissed by belugas and lots more fun times! 
Here's one of my Senior pictures
My graduating class of 2003 Science &Engineering Academy at John Jay Highschool! And of course finally the reason today is special... A picture of me crossing the  stage and getting my diploma. My High school graduation! 

Happy ten years to all my fellow graduates of 2003! May you all be blessed with happiness in life. That these years have brought you wisdom and strength and many happy memories. 

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  1. Congrats on being the first to complete high school.

  2. 10 years?! I skipped my 10 year reunion (I already had plans for that weekend, LOL!) Congrats! Are you where you'd though you'd be in life?

  3. Congrats! By the way...I love the new design. Your background is adorable!


  4. Congrats!! This is my 10 year reunion year--sure does make you reflect a lot, right?

    Here's to the next ten years :)


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