
December 31, 2012

New years Eve superstitions/traditions

Have I told you That ever since I was really little my mom raised us with New Years expectations that if they were not completed brought on superstitious dilemmas?

Well yes! That's how its been and of course being raised like that I still follow them myself. I don't think Ive ever shared them with anyone probably because they would stare at me like what? But as I'm doing them I thought I would finally share with someone.

Curious about what I mean?

OK here it goes:

  • If you want your home in 2013 to be clean and prosperous you must start off the year with a clean house. So of course I clean like crazy to make sure the house will be clean. That includes laundry, dishes etc. So yep a lot of work!

  • You must all be clean and bathed before the New Year starts or for the rest of the year your condemning yourself to being filthy! So we all pick out times to take a bath before midnight so we ring in the year fresh and clean

  • You must have a job before the New year starts or else you will be plagued with bad luck in the job department. Well that's a tough one for me because I'm a stay at home mom!

  • You have to be with your loved ones when the clock strikes midnight because if there not with you the year that's starting you will be distanced by life. Sounds scary doesn't it? So were all together as we watch the fireworks inside or outside but we all hug each other at midnight to ring in a  new year.

Those are the main ones my family does and that I have continued. I thought about this as I read the Latina December2012/January2013 issue where on the last page of the magazine it shows a picture of a bowl of grapes that says that before midnight there's a tradition of eating 12 grapes in the last 12 seconds of the year. Its a race to see who will have good Luck for the next 12 months. So I thought of our traditions and how weird they must sound to others because this sure sounded weird to me. But guess what? I'm going to try it! It doesn't hurt to try something new and I could sure use some good luck in the New year.

How about you? What are you doing tonight to ring in the new Year? Any superstitions or traditions your family does? Share them with me or try some of mine.

Happy New Year! 

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  1. thanks for following me.following back.wishing you fantastic new year. hugs x

    1. Thankyou so much! Wishing you a great year back! Happy new year!

  2. No New Year's Eve traditions to speak of, but we do always have menudo somewhere at someone's home. I am your newest follower :)

  3. Very interesting post Alvina! We do not have any New Year's Eve traditions and sometimes I am fast asleep when the New Year arrives! I wish you and your family all the very best for 2013! Thanks for becoming a Follower of my Blog. I am happy to follow back.
    Judy - Judy H-J's Thoughts

    1. As far back as I can remember we always do these. It doesnt mean they are true but they are fun to try. Traditions give us something to look forward to. Thankyou for the well wishes and wishing you a beautiful year as well! Happy New Year!

  4. I like this concept. I think its great and maybe we'll try to make a few new year's traditions ourselves. :) Thanks for sharing and Happy New Year!!

    Oh and thanks for stopping by my blog, I am following on GFC.

  5. Wow, interesting superstitions! I'm going to do a deep cleaning of my house tonight now! Haha.

    Happy New Year!

    1. Happy New year! I like starting off the year with a clean house. it puts my mind in a good place where my living environment brings me peace. So i love it!

  6. We don't have any superstitions/tradtions like that, but those are funny! Maybe I can actually convince my daughter to get in the shower w/o attitude by telling her that one.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog and following. I'm happily following your lovely blog, too!

    julee @

    1. Thankyou! Happy New year :)

      I cant get my son out of the bath tub! He has a bunch of water toys and other fun stuff in there. But that might change as he gets older.

  7. I am not sure if it's connected to New Years, but I definitely want my house clean before baby comes so it can some what sort of clean in the following years. If that is possible haha

  8. I can totally see where this comes from. I try to keep it clean before the new year, haven't noticed it helping lol but it makes me feel better!

    1. I feel the same way. Id rather start the year with a clean house than a dirty one. next its going to be spring cleaning time for me. Happy New year!

  9. I definitely do the cleaning the house part for sure. Something about starting the year out with a clean it. Blessings!

    1. I feel the same way. Thankyou for the blessings! You are too sweet. Happy New year!

  10. We were taught that the first word you say at the strike of midnight had to be "rabbit" or you would have a bad year. I have NO IDEA WHY!! Also, we had to eat ham and sauerkraut on New Year's Day. I believe that's a german superstition.

    1. Ive never heard of that one. But I love to hear all the different traditons. Happy new year!

  11. Wow, I had NO idea that there were superstitions on ringing in the New Year! Thanks for sharing, it was fun to read :) Our house isn't too clean right now, but we are all bathed, have jobs {does being a stay-at-home mommy blogger count?} and are spending the evening with loved ones. So I think we're going to be okay!

    Following you now! Best wishes for 2013 :)

    1. Stay at home mommy blogger means having two full time jobs!

      Hope you guys had a great night. Happy New year!

  12. I believe in a couple of those. Then, of course, we have the food traditions today. Collard greens for money, Mashed potatoes with black-eyed peas for good luck. Fun post. Found you at Bloggy Moms

    Carol Tyner
    For What It's Worth

    1. I loved your food traditions. Ive never heard of those. How interesting! Thankyou and Happy New year!

  13. I've always heard that whomever you kiss at midnight is who you will be w/when the next new yr rolls around. ;)

    Happy New Year!

    1. I love that one. I think thats the most common. Happy new year!

  14. I loved reading about these, I had no idea!!


  15. My husband made sure to remind mw not to wash clothes on new years. I went to put something in the dryer and he thought I was washing and ran in there to tell me about the superstitions. Lol. Im now following you back!

    1. Too cute! Thankyou! Hope you have a great year :)

  16. I'd never read something like this , thanks for sharing . I just wait to see the fireworks :)
    New follower from Blog Hop.
    Noor @ Noor's Place

    1. We still see the fireworks of course but we have alot going on beside traditions. Its also my sisters bday! (Shes a new years kid)

  17. I'm not very superstitious but I'd be lying if I said I didn't ever believe any of those! :)

    I hope you're having a great week and a Happy New Year!

    Thank you so much for linking up to last week's Aloha Friday Blog Hop!! I'm following you.

    If you have time, we'd love to have you come and link up to the Aloha Friday Blog Hop if you haven't already! (Thank you so very much if you've already linked up, I truly appreciate it!!)

    Come and link up, enter the giveaway (if you haven't yet) and celebrate the coming weekend with us!


    Jean {What Jean Likes}

    1. Thankyou so much! Hope this year is a great one for you too! I always try to link up!

  18. Hey there! Thanks for stopping by Moms Surviving Kids! Following you back :)

  19. Great post! I love it. Thank you so much for stopping by and following my blog! So happy to follow your wonderful blog! :)

    Kathy @

  20. Thanks for checking out my blog! Followed back! Lovely blog:)


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