
September 08, 2012

San Antonio Goes Orange

This month of September San Antonio is going Orange for Hunger Action month. This is an issue close to my heart because Hunger is such a big word in this house. I remember growing up hungry. We didnt always have food or much of it. It wasnt that my parents didnt try because they did try there best. My dad had hurt himself and couldnt work. My mom went to work after that and was earning minimun wage and with 3 kids and lots of bills there wasnt always enough for everything. As we got older things got better. Then I became a mom and it was diffcult to provide to say the least. I looked for help for my little family and The food bank has always been there for us. To either help us look for a food pantry or with help with applications  or renewals they are an amazing source for help. My family will always be in debt to them for there kindness. So for this month to show support heres my munchkin sporting some orange.

We can all do our part to help in our own way through donating food or volunteering our time or even simply spreading the message of the value of food and how many struggle to have it on there plate. Because even the best of us parents still sometimes do, me included. I am proud of my city for promoting awareness of an issue that is very important to us all. So spread the word and sport some orange and hopefully we can end hunger one day.

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